Retirement staking plan

Retirement staking plan uses initial stake and divisor to calculate target profit. Then by using odds it calculates your bet size so that you win your target profit.

Your initial stake should be equal to 1% of your betting bank. If your betting bank is £1,000 then your initial stake should be set to £10.

Divisor is determined by multiplying your average winning odds by 2. For example, if your average winning odds are 4.0 then divisor would be
2 * (4.0 - 1.0) = 2 * 3.0 = 6.0

Initial target profit is calculated by multiplying your initial stake with divisor value. For initial stake of £10 and divisor of 6.0 your target profit would be set to £60. If price for your selection is 3.0 then your final bet size would be £30 as that would give you profit of £60 at price 3.0.

Target profit is increased by loss made and decreased by profit made, but it is never less than target profit value calculated by multiplying divisor and initial stake.

On each winning bet divisor should be decreased by value that you set (default is by 1.0). And after X losing bets divisor should be increased by 1 e.g. after every 6 losing bets increase divisor by 1.

You can download worksheet for Retirement staking plan that will allow you to set your own settings and see the results.

Retirement chart